بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamualykum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh!
It has been one day since Launch Day. Jazakallah khairan to everyone who shared, joined, and reached out to us. We are more than grateful and delighted to have received such a huge response. May Allah bless your Ramadan, and reward you for your efforts and your support!
Due to the overwhelming response, alhamdulillah, we would like to make a few announcements.
Announcement #1: Skype Group; Zoom Class.
Our class groups, which consist of 4-5 students, will be on Skype. This is where any questions can be asked to the teacher, and where all announcements regarding that specific class will be made.
The class itself, however, will take place on Zoom Meetings insha Allah, and can be accessed through a link that the teacher will send to the Skype group.
Announcement #2: All classes will begin a week after Ramadan, insha Allah!
We will begin classes a week after Eid, so please apply before then so that we may place you into your appropriate class. We will send the opening dates to each individual class group, insha Allah.
Announcement #3: Someday soon, insha Allah!
Those who reached out but have yet to fill the required form on time have been put on a waiting list.
We hope that you will be able to join us someday, bi'ithnillah!
Wassalamualykum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh.